Timeshare Careers Frequently Asked Questions

Timeshare Careers


Below you will find the most Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions received at Time­share Careers.  If you don’t see a ques­tions and answer that sat­is­fies your needs, email your ques­tion to:  info@TimeshareCareers.com.  You will be con­tact­ed prompt­ly to help answer any and all of your questions.


Q:  Is TimeshareCareers.com a recruit­ing firm?

A: No.  TimeshareCareers.com acts as a con­duit for job seek­ers to quick­ly and eas­i­ly apply to time­share indus­try jobs.  Although we scan the indus­try to post new job oppor­tu­ni­ties, we do not rep­re­sent any indi­vid­ual party.


Q:  How can I reach TimeshareCareers.com directly?

A:  Con­tact TimeshareCareers.com at info@TimeshareCareers.com.  Some­one will respond to your request promptly.


Q:  How can I learn more about the time­share industry?

A:  We rec­om­mend the Approved Time­share Indus­try Text­book.  This text­book explains all the facets found with­in the indus­try as well as pro­vides a short his­to­ry of how and when the indus­try was cre­at­ed.  It is rec­om­mend­ed for all per­sons seek­ing employ­ment with­in the time­share indus­try.  Find it at https://timesharetextbook.com/.


Q:  How can I tell if time­share sales would be a good job for me?

A:  Ask your self the fol­low­ing:  Would you enjoy help­ing peo­ple afford year­ly vaca­tions?  Do you enjoy work­ing in a team but hav­ing the free­dom to make unlim­it­ed income?  Are you self-moti­vat­ed?  Are you seek­ing employ­ment with great ben­e­fits?  Do you love the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try and wish to work for a com­pa­ny that pro­motes from with­in?  If you said yes to all of these ques­tions, time­share sales is a fit for you.


Q:  What types of jobs can I find at TimeshareCareers.com?

A:  The time­share indus­try is like a vil­lage, it needs sev­er­al skills and con­tains jobs of all types: Account­ing, Activ­i­ties Coor­di­na­tors, Cus­tomer Ser­vice, Food Prep and Food Ser­vice, Facil­i­ties Man­age­ment, Legal, Mar­ket­ing, Oper­a­tions, Project Man­agers, Real Estate pro­fes­sion­als and Sales.  If you are inter­est­ed in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty indus­try, Time­share careers should be on your list.  These jobs and more can be found at Time­share Careers.


Q:  If I have not been con­tact­ed by a com­pa­ny where I have applied for an open posi­tion, what are my options?

A:  Your resume has been elec­tron­i­cal­ly sub­mit­ted to the com­pa­ny to which you have applied via Timesharecareers.com.  Best prac­tices sug­gest you fol­lowup with the com­pa­ny direct­ly.  Remem­ber, jobs post­ed online result in hun­dreds of appli­ca­tion for each posi­tion.  Mak­ing per­son­al con­tact will help bring your appli­ca­tion to the top of the employ­ers review list.


Q:  Do I need a real estate license to work as a sales per­son for a time­share company?

A: Yes.  If you do not have a cur­rent real estate license, there are sev­er­al sources who pro­vide the required train­ing need­ed to qual­i­fy to take the BRE real estate exam on line.


Q:  How do I sub­mit my resume?

A:  First you must cre­ate your own Account on the Time­share Careers job site.  After you have cre­at­ed an account under the My Account page, click on Upload Resume and fol­low the instruc­tions to upload your resume. Next search for jobs.  You can save jobs to your My Accounts or Apply for them here.  A record of all the jobs you have applied for will be found at Jobs Applied For under My Accounts.